Cosmic Crate Challenge
Cosmic Crate Challenge

Cosmic Crate Supply Drop

August Fan Submission Challenge

As we begin Dead Suns Book 5: The Thirteenth Gate, the players are going to need all the help that they can get, going up against enemies both known and unknown.

You have 30,000 credits, a brand new Armory bristling with arms, armor and tech, and the Cosmic Crit heroes need your help! Make a supply crate filled with goodies from the new Starfinder Armory book and submit it to us. The ‘Cosmic Crate’ that gets picked as our grand prize winner will be dropped into the campaign for our players to use, and you will win your own loot from the Cosmic Crit or Paizo store.

Submission Guidelines

Send an email to with a list of the items in your Cosmic Crate.

  • All items in the Cosmic Crate must be equipment from the new Starfinder Armory book from Paizo.
  • Items in your Cosmic Crate should have a total value of approximately 30,000 credits.
  • The more variety, the better! The best submissions will really showcase the cool stuff Armory has to offer.
  • Try to make each crate have 5 items or more, at least one for each character on the show.

For reference, here’s some of what the crew has equipped right now:

  • Alyndra (Lashunta Solarian): Golemforged Plating III, Photon Crystal Minor, Corona Laster Pistol
  • ANDIS-147 (Android Exocortex Mechanic): Lashunta Ringwear III, Disruption Rifle Minor, Plasma Rifle, Tactical Baton
  • Edrass (Vesk Blitz Soldier): Iridishell Advanced, Red Star Plasma Doshko, Ultrathin Longsword
  • Gnak (Ysoki Envoy): Aeon Guard armor, Corona Laser Pistol
  • Rami (Human Technomancer): Freebooter Armor III, X-gen Gun Advanced, Corona Laser Rifle


The grand prize winner’s Cosmic Crate will be featured on the podcast as part of our Dead Suns campaign. The winner and two runners-up will also receive a prize from the Cosmic Crit or Paizo store.

Guidelines for Submitting

  • By submitting to this challenge, you give us the right to use your submitted work/piece on Cosmic Crit and distribute it for free. We will also need to edit and balance these in relation to other entries.
  • To receive a gift for your selected submission, you must have an active Paizo account and provide that  to us after we use your submission on the show. Please include how you would like to be contacted and credited for your winning submission. Submission can be sent to us via our gmail account,
  • You can submit multiple times, but if we use 10 of your submissions, you still only get a single gift.
  • Please don’t submit anything offensive, inappropriate for a general audience or distasteful. Keep it PG-13.

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