030: Game of Bones
Edrass enters the Rusty Rivet alone, to find old friends — and enemies. After their tangle with the pirates, the team heads to K-2904 in the Diaspora, continuing their search for Cult of the Devourer fanatics.
Edrass enters the Rusty Rivet alone, to find old friends — and enemies. After their tangle with the pirates, the team heads to K-2904 in the Diaspora, continuing their search for Cult of the Devourer fanatics.
The team finds themselves embroiled in a street fight with mercenaries searching for Rami. Back at the Drift Rider, they find the goblins terrified of a ferocious beast who has boarded the ship. Things go from bad to worse when they are approached by a pirate ship in the Diaspora. Crit Bits: Find out what the philosophoblins Bumfuzzle and Caddywampus have been up to on the Drift Rider while the crew was away…
Following their harrowing journey through the jungles of Ukalam, the adventurers head back to civilization. Alyndra and Andis-147 are in for a big surprise when they return to the University of Qabarat. Meanwhile, crushed by Ralkawi’s death, Edrass goes to great lengths to revive her.
An intricate puzzle and sentient statues guard the inner sanctum. Alyndra has a visionary experience. The group faces off against the famed cult leader Tahomen.
Arriving at the door to the temple, our heroes find it guarded by an ancient elf. Stellar knowledge proves useful as they traverse the temple’s antechamber in search of the cultists. Will they survive the elven traps? Will they find those whom they seek?
Our heroes find themselves running into obstacle after obstacle in this episode as they make their way to the Temple. Unfortunately, not everyone gets there unscathed.
Our heroes find themselves face to face with a massive Rinkroda — the pointy-toothed creature the botanist warned Gnak about. But they soon discover that yet more foes await them as they journey deeper into the jungle.
Freshly leveled up, our adventurers continue their journey through the jungles of Castrovel. But soon they realize they’re being hunted… and they’re not the only ones.
The crew find the jungles of Ukulam on Castrovel inhospitable, to say the least, as they battle extreme heat, terrifying fauna, and even vicious flora. Will they survive their journey? Crit Bits: Learn a bit about Rami, the moody technomancer, and the origins of all those trust issues.
Our heroes venture out into grittier areas of Qabarat in search of clues as to the whereabouts of the missing Professor. But they quickly find themselves separated and under attack.