Category: Podcast

S5 | 299: Vanity Fishfair

Having determined that Fishfair is responsible for the attempts to destroy Veridian Colony, the Founding Five head south to accost Pavo Sotillo. But he proves difficult to locate. Will they be able to open the doors needed to defeat Pavo in time?

S5 | 298: Invasion of the Body Snatcher Slimes

With Namil Tanna’s dead body outside their house, the Founding Five discover a text message sent to “Duo.” They head to the center of town to check in on the set up for Founders’ Day, but things take a turn for the worse when two of the colonists are infected by bodysnatcher slimes!

Cosmic Crit: A Starfinder Actual Play Podcast

S5 | 296: Jacket the Giant Slayer

It’s not the first time a Cosmic Crit crew has encountered a Mountain Eel, but this one is all grown up and ready to tear them to shreds. Will the Founding Five have what it takes to take down the Eel for that sweet, sweet hide?

Cosmic Crit: A Starfinder Actual Play Podcast

S5 | 294: Wallace & Grommin

The Founding Five emerge from the caverns and return to the colony to celebrate Founders’ Day. But they run into an old friend – Haltharia Grommin, the former botanist, who asks for their help in hiding from a corporate headhunter.

Starfinder 2E Playtest Critmas Special Pt. 1

Jenny Jarzabski, senior developer at Paizo, joins us for a very special episode of Cosmic Crit as we try out the Starfinder 2E playtest! This is the first time Starfinder 2E has been officially run in podcast form, and we’re honored that Cosmic Crit got the chance to show it off! Listen in as Jenny GMs the Starfinder 2E demo module from PAX Unplugged 2023, with Patrick, Rebecca, Gibert, and Drew playing some of the new iconics from the playtest.