Cosmic Crit’s “Create A Skittermander” Challenge
Skittermanders For Everyone!
It’s time for another Fan Submission just in time for 2018. Each month we reach out to you, our fans, to help flesh out the Cosmic Crit Universe by making NPCs, Creating Commercials and Naming Spaceships. This month its time for Alien NPC creation with a twist.
Our Fan Submission Challenge for January is to help us expand our d20 Skittermander character generator into a d100 chart. We want you to create a Skittermander character, giving us their First Name, Last Name, their Color fur, and a little bit of poutpourri about them. For example: “Glengarrick Hoopleswoops, a Blue skittermander who is a big Royal Crown Cola Fan”
You can enter this contest as many times as you’d like, and our three favorite Skittermander we pick will get a PDF copy of the Starfinder CRB or Alien Archive. Enter the challenge by tweeting at us, e-mailing us at cosmiccrit@gmail.com, or by replying to one of our online posts. We will be taking submissions all month long and are hoping to get over 100 submissions, so keep them coming!
Guidelines for Submitting:
- By submitting to this challenge, you give us the right to use your submitted work/piece on Cosmic Crit.
- To receive a gift for your selected submission, you must have an active Paizo account and provide that to us after we use your submission on the show. Please include how you would like to be contacted and credited for your winning submission.
- You can submit multiple times, but if we use 10 of your submissions, you still only get a single gift.
- Please don’t submit anything offensive, inappropriate for a general audience or distasteful. Keep it PG-13.
Hey guys, I’m a really big fan of the show – also good at doing voices and coming up with crazy characters, so if you ever need consistent help I’m here! Probably won’t, but I’ll be here for the long haul anyway as a fan. Hope I did this right…
Sea-green coat, wields four lazer pistols and is capable utilizing the fusilade feat.
With the luck of the fool on his side, Wajala is an odity amongst his kin that possesses a a deceptively focused sense of purpose. He began his career by accidentally becoming a stow away on a vessel carrying a company of Vesk and Half-Orc soldiers, and wound up assisting a raid on a Drow freight ship with the aim of liberating a cargo of exploited androids, half-orcs, and Orcs bound. The job turned out to have been orchestrated by the minds of the Android Abolitionist Front, and their observers recruited little Wajala as an agent who has helped the movement since to liberate oppressed humanoids wherever he is sent.
That’s super awesome! But I think they want to make a quick reference for d100 skittermander generation shenanigans like on the Christmas podcast