Cosmic Crit’s “Fill Our Soundboard” Challenge
We love using Syrinscape and different sounds on the podcast. But, as much as we love laser blasts, grenade explosions, and starship weapons we still have a lot of holes in our soundboard. For the month of June, we’ve finally decided it is time to fill these gaps and we thought, what better way to improve our sound collection than with the help of our awesome creative Crittermanders! So, plug in those microphones, get your vocal warm-ups going, it is time to make some noise!
How To Do?
Send your lovely ear noises to us at cosmiccrit@gmail.com. Here are some of the things that we’re looking for:
- Critical Hit
- Cosmic Crit
- Critical Fumble
- Natural Toots!
- Tiny Demon Summon and Attack
- Super Hit
- Phoenix’s Respite AI
Please keep any sound bite to 4 seconds or less. When exporting the audio file, please leave all property boxes blank (filling in that information has been known to cause issues with Syrinscape). Since these sounds have a chance of being on the show, they must be family friendly. Please do not submit anything with bad language, innuendo, or inside jokes that don’t include the whole community.
The Crew will vote on their top 3 favorite sound submissions. Each winner will get their choice of receiving either $15 Paizo Store Credit or $20 in Cosmic Crit Store Credit.
Guidelines for Submitting
- By submitting to this challenge, you give us the right to edit and use your submitted work/piece on Cosmic Crit and distribute it for free.
- To receive a gift for your selected submission, you must have an active Paizo account and provide that to us after we use your submission on the show. Please include how you would like to be contacted and credited for your winning submission. Submission can be sent to us via our gmail account, cosmiccrit@gmail.com.