Cosmic Crit’s “Monster Mayhem 2.0” Challenge
Monsters in Starfinder are as varied and weird as anything else in a sci-fi universe. The creatures that populate the planets and moons are part of what helps makes Starfinder come alive when people play. This challenge is to prove that Ishiro Honda isn’t the only one who can create a King of Monsters. So, let the call of the Alpha loose and help us bring forth an army of colossal monsters upon the Starfinder Universe!
Entry Guidelines
Send your monstrous creation to us at cosmiccrit@gmail.com, and include the following in your submission:
Give Your Monster a Name – Every iconic monster has a name that brings fear into any PC who faces off against it. You can name your monster anything you want, but please keep it appropriate.
Create a Description – Get creative and specific. Make sure you give a physical description but you can also include mannerisms and personality traits to help give your monster more dimension. Top off your monster with some truly nasty special abilities or signature attacks to really create that one of a kind monster King.
(Optional) Make the Stats – Go over to https://www.sfrpgtools.com/monster-builder and give your creation some muscle. Create anything that is CR 3-7. You can add combat tactics, ecology and more. This is for anyone who wants to go another mile in creating a specific vision. Don’t want to make stats? No pressure. Cosmic Crit will make the stats of whatever monster gets voted King of Monsters!
The Crew will vote on their top 3 favorite terrible monsters. Each winner will get their choice of receiving either $15 Paizo Store Credit or $20 in Cosmic Crit Store Credit.
Guidelines for Submitting
- By submitting to this challenge, you give us the right to edit and use your submitted work/piece on Cosmic Crit and distribute it for free.
- To receive a gift for your selected submission, you must have an active Paizo account and provide that to us after we use your submission on the show. Please include how you would like to be contacted and credited for your winning submission. Submission can be sent to us via our gmail account, cosmiccrit@gmail.com.