Cosmic Crit’s “Name Our Ship Challenge”
It’s that time again, time for another First Friday Fan Challenge!
On the first Friday of every month, we are asking you to help us build and shape our Starfinder world. Last month, we got you to write and/or record your idea of what advertisements and commercials sound like on Absalom Station. They all came out great, and we got over 50 different amazing commercials for our Extra Life Bonus episode.
The First Friday Fan Submission Challenge for November is going to be a lot easier, but will have an even greater impact on the show, so it’s very important.
Name the Cosmic Crit Crew’s First Spaceship:
For this month’s challenge we are asking our audience to create a name for the podcast’s Spaceship. Soon the adventures aboard Absalom Station will get a little old and the Cosmic Crit Crew will get their own ship to explore the Pact Worlds, and when that happens they will need a worthy name for their Starship in order to ensure that they sound cool flying around in space.
So all you need to do is to provide us with a name for our future ship. You can submit multiple times, send your submissions to the podcast at CosmicCrit@gmail.com, hit us up on twitter @CosmicCrit, or on our Facebook page. We will be collecting submissions all month and the cast of the show will pick their favorites as winners, and then we’ll vote on which one we want to be the ultimate winner, whose name we shall adopt on our In Universe ship name forever.
Guidelines for Submitting:
- By submitting to this challenge, you give us the right to use your submitted name on Cosmic Crit.
- To receive a gift for your selected submission, you must have an active Paizo account and provide that to us after we use your submission on the show. Please include how you would like to be contacted and credited for your winning submission.
- You can submit multiple times, but if we use 5 of your submissions, you still only get a single gift.
- Please don’t submit anything offensive, inappropriate for a general audience or distasteful. Keep it PG-13.
Wait…. you did the video for the last contest? Where is it?
Oh well, onto the next ones. 🙂