Crittercon 7 | September 20 – 22, 2024

Join us once more this year for our 7th year in a row raising money for a great charity by playing Paizo games and having fun! One month from now is the return of Crittercon 7! For this convention, also known as “Lucky Number 777” will be on September 20th to the 22nd, 2024. We are once more going to raise money for Doctors Without Borders and we need your help to meet our goals!

Crittercon is our officially Paizo-sponsored Organized Play online gaming convention. You can play convention games from the comfort of your own home, including Starfinder, Pathfinder, and more. At the same time, you can donate money to our charity partner to affect your dice rolls, reroll d20s, OR purchase tickets for random drawings of gaming accessories, dice, gift cards and so much more!

About Our Charity Partner, Doctors Without Borders

Once more our charity this year is again Medecin Sans Frontiere (MSF) aka Doctors Without Borders. Every single dollar raised goes straight through their donation website portal. So far we have raised over $21,000 US dollars for the charity to date, and this year we hope to break $25k! Head over to the Cosmic Crittercon 7 campaign page to make your donations.

We Need Both Game Masters and Players!

Check out the game schedule at Cosmic Crit SFS Lodge Warhorn. GM sign-ups are now live. Player sign-ups go live on Thursday August 29th!

Twitch Stream Events

The Cosmic Crit Twitch channel will host streams over the weekend including the LIVE ending to the Dead Men Roll No Crits podcast with episode 200! The pirate Tidebreaker crew has conquered the Shackles, but will they be able to face the fiercest foe in all of Pathfinder?

In-Game Assists

In-game assists are only valid for use in Crittercon-hosted games between Friday, September 20th and Sunday, September 22nd 2024. They may also be purchased for players in certain Twitch-streamed games featuring the Dead Men Roll No Crits’ crew.

$X.00 = +X to a D20 roll

Donate any number of dollars to add that number to a d20 roll (For example, donate $3 to add 3 to a D20 roll, turning a roll of 9 into a 12.)

$10.00 = One D20 Re-roll

Donate $10 to re-roll a D20

$30.00 = One Automatic ’20’ Roll

Donate $30 to turn a D20 roll into a natural 20

Random Drawing Prize Pool

To purchase a Random Drawing Ticket, include the Prize Pool item(s) and the number of tickets you’re purchasing for each in the note of your donation to Doctors Without Borders. There is no limit to the number of tickets you may purchase. Random Drawing tickets may be purchased until the deadline time during Crittercon (TBA). On the final day of Crittercon, we will conduct random drawings to determine the winner of each item. (This may be streamed on Twitch, TBD.)

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