Cosmic Crittermander Starfinder Society
Hey Crittermanders!
While it has been absolute joy on the podcast running the Starfinder adventure path ‘Dead Suns’ the last 8 months, it hasn’t left us with a lot of free time to play other games. I have been hearing about people playing the amazing Organized Play scenarios in the Starfinder Society (SFS) and have been jealous of how much fun they’ve had in this season of SFS.
We recently started playing SFS with fans in our Crittermander Discord channel, with Patrick GMing and some of the podcast players jumping in to play. We want to continue to bring games to our fans, but we need YOUR help to GM, schedule, and get new players into Starfinder Society.
So we are looking for Game Masters for an organized play league that I want to call “Crittermander Captains“. Our goal with the Cosmic Crit podcast and now with the C.C.S.F.S. (Cosmic Crittermander Starfinder Society) has always been to get people playing Starfinder, and we want to empower our Crittermander Captains to do that too, whether online or around their tabletops at home.
What would my responsibilities be as a Crittermander Captain?
You would be responsible for GMing at least two Starfinder Society games a month for Cosmic Crit fans OR new players that have never played Starfinder before. Make sure to make your tables are a place of inclusion, understanding, and fun per SFS guidelines, and get to gaming & making new friends!
After each session, report your games as usual to the Starfinder Society. And don’t forget to share a pic and/or story about your game on Twitter or Facebook (and tag @CosmicCrit) to help spread the word about how fun Starfinder Society is across the universe.
How do I become a Crittermander Captain?
So sign-up by e-mailing us at CosmicCrit@gmail.com with your general information, and let us know your experience as a GM, your history with either PFS or SFS, and why you want to help out!.
If you’re already GMing SFS, that’s awesome. But even if you have never GM’d a game before, you can still become a Captain by learning from one another and teaming up.
We are also looking for players with organizational skills to help schedule games and manage sign-ups.
What are the benefits of being a Crittermander Captain?
Well, besides the sheer fun of playing Starfinder, you can earn some fun rewards like Starfinder Swag, Cosmic Crit merchandise, and shared SFS resources. Every Crittermander Captain will also earn a free item from our store for dedicated gaming and outreach. In addition to all that, we can provide GMs assistance in purchasing scenarios and rule books as need and resources demand.
How can I ask more questions before deciding?
Join us on our fan Discord channel here, and ask about Starfinder Society play. We hope you consider joining us and helping to spread our love for Starfinder across the world!
Definitely interested in GMing! Email sent!