In March 2019, the cast of Cosmic Crit embarked on a new adventure with a new gaggle of player characters. Meet the crew who is taking on Against the Aeon Throne.
Player: Gibert

Bumfuzzle, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
NAME: Bumfuzzle
RACE: Space Goblin
AGE: 14
HEIGHT: 3'2"
HOMEWORLD: Absalom Station
OCCUPATION: Scrapper/Scholar/Person Trafficker
CRIMES: trespassing, vandalism, sabotage, inciting a mutiny, mutiny in the 1st degree, unauthorized transportation of non-Pact Worlds persons, possession of unauthorized Pact armaments, scrapping without a license, piloting of a craft without a license, violation of Harmonized Pact Safety Standards 13-139, 142-158, 165, and 248, failure to appear, contempt of court, disturbing the peace, failure to pay excise taxes.

Bumfuzzle, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
Never one to rest on his laurels, a young Bumfuzzle went from picking through the trash compactors of Absalom Station to taking the machines themselves apart. It was in these halcyon junker days that he met Cattywumpus, and the two of them, along with many other idealistic and impressionable space goblin youth, entered into the social circle and violent gang of one Collywobble B. A. Goblin, or Collywobble for short. The mystical Goblin said he could see the future if he drank enough motor oil and WD-40, and he would trip for days, talking about apocalyptic visions of Kish super-weapons and impending invading alien hordes.
Bumfuzzle, after helping in no small part to save the universe in the employ of Collywobble and the Founding 19, has taken a new mission of vital importance. The worshipers of Triune were sure that the android Cedona was the next important part of the endless puzzle that rested at the heart of the Gap and the god's silence. They entrusted Bumfuzzle with a mission, one sadly the young space goblin would have to take on his own. Saying his farewells to ANDIS-147 and Cattywumpus, he made his way alone, for the first time since dismantling a his trash compactor years prior. Now the universe is the trash bin, and Bumfuzzle is the wrench! It's Space Goblin's time to be the hero!

Bumfuzzle, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
Player: Drew

Kaz, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
RACE: Human
AGE: 24
OCCUPATION: Martial Artist
CRIMES: Undisclosed

Kaz, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
The first moments Kaz remembers were being dragged away from an explosion. The research station where he’d been working was attacked, destroyed by the Azlanti empire. The Android that saved him explained he was the only survivor, and through his recovery and disagnosis of retrograde amnesia, Kaz returned to health. The Azlanti do not like loose ends, so Cedona put him in hiding in a small commune off the main star charts with someone she could trust. The leader of the community was Joren, an old Kasatha whose word woke something inside Kaz … a power that would change his life.
He spent the next few years training in the ways of the Vanguards, learning to use his power among his fellow students in Joren’s commune. His teacher taught him more than just strikes and blocks, but also about the worlds and cultures that all of his students came from. One day, as he was practicing his Elvish accent, a ship landed nearby. A familiar Android emerged from the landing platform … it was time to repay a debt. Though his training was not complete, Master Joren encouraged him to go and begin his own pilgrimage among the stars.

Kaz, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
Nikithi Barendir
Player: Tyler

Nikithi, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
NAME: Nikithi Barendir
RACE: Osharu
AGE: 47
OCCUPATION: Arms Dealer / Bioengineer
CRIMES: Wanted for illegal arms trading, theft of government property, several violations of Pact World trade law, unauthorized access of private company computer documents, and illegal drone modifications

Nikithi, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
A curious mind, Nikithi grew up with a joy for creating. His parents were a botanist and a xenozoologist who also instilled within him a appreciation for animals and nature. As he aged his parents began to worry as Nikithi’s experiments began to grow steadily more “extreme” over the years. At a young age he apprenticed with a arms company engineering new battery and power sources designs for weapons and power armor. Bored with his station he began to pitch his own weapons designs to other weapon manufacturers. His ideas got the attention of the Azlanti Empire who hired him on in secret through a proxy company to design a weapon that mixed bioengineering, traditional cybernetics, and robotics.
On the verge of success, Nikithi betrayed his Azlanti handlers and fled taking most of his research with him, and the only proto-type created. He started working black markets as a arms dealer making connections and selling weapons of his own design to the highest bidders. During a particular meeting that went south he was saved by an Android named Cedona, owing her a major favor for her assistance. It wasn’t long before that favor was turned in, a request to join a crew the Android was putting together. Nikithi didn’t want to be a part of a team but he felt obligated to honor his promise.

Nikithi, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
Player: Rebecca

Talarra, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
NAME: Talarra
RACE: Tiefling
AGE: 32
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 147 lb.
CRIMES: Wanted for illegal trade of restricted tech and controlled substances; Accomplice to piracy within Pact borders; Speeding

Talarra, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
Talarra doesn’t remember much from her childhood; only that she found herself traded away to the Defiant Nova, led by the formidable Vesk pirate Captain Gorvak Shivaas. Although he was a fair, though gruff, leader, he and Talarra’s other crewmates derided her for her dark, red skin, horns, and hooved feet. Young Talarra learned to keep her head down and do her work as efficiently and skillfully as possible to avoid their mockery and scorn.
After an unfortunate brush with an interplanar being on a mission aboard the Defiant Nova, Talarra began to wonder if she could somehow tap into other planes of existence. She wanted to change the world to fit her vision, and she devoured every article she could find in the infosphere about magic and the multiverse.
But one fateful evening, five crewmates, drunk and belligerent, cornered her on her way to her quarters. Terrified, Talarra steeled herself against their malice, closed her eyes, and raised her hands in the air. The crew members were shocked to see the deckplates beneath their feet transformed -- rough, cracked, and broken -- as though that small part of the ship had been torn apart violently from some unseen hands. Frightened and vindictive, they ran to the Captain to report what they had witnessed.
Afraid of how the captain might react, Talarra ran to an escape shuttle and jetted off for the nearest planet, which set her on a series of freelancing and freebooting jobs across the Vast. This is where Talarra's story now truly begins.

Talarra, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
Player: Myles

Wynn, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
NAME: Wynn
RACE: Uplifted Bear
AGE: 35
WEIGHT: Unknown (Scales maxed out)
HOMEWORLD: System 100-AW, Alpha 5
OCCUPATION: Xenowarden
CRIMES: trespassing, theft, performing in public without a permit, vandalism, eco-terrorism, prime suspect in the bombing of several corporate mining facilities.

Wynn, Artwork by Seth Witfoth
Wynnarius Usario Crovuum Drakkan Pough was content enough being a scientific researcher before he witnessed many of the Pact Worlds’ more aggressively ambitious corporations lay waste to countless ecosystems for greed or manifest destiny.
After learning of some of the horrific experiments conducted by the QuinnDarr Conglomerate, the Uplifted Bear felt called to become one of the Xenowardens, hoping to both quench his love of exploring planetary wildlife while working to preserve and maintain the delicate balance between “civilization” and nature.
Wynn thrived during his tenure with the Xenowardens. His cunning, ferocity in battle (when necessary), and his enormous size led to him becoming one of their premiere Wildknights. From his upbringing in the order of uplifted bears known as the Hexan Way, Wynn had always been on a mission. This group dedicated themselves to discovering what they believed to be the unlocked secrets of their species, including the origins of their kind’s sentience.
Sadly, a mission Wynn was in charge of went terribly awry, resulting in the explosion of a mining facility, taking many lives, including some of his own fellow Xenowardens. Devastated by the experience, the bear fell into a deep depression, more prone to drowning his sorrows in any place of ill repute he hadn’t been thrown out of.
Reluctantly, Wynn has found potential atonement for his sins by agreeing to join a group of other outcasts. But will history repeat itself? Or will Wynn finally find his place in the ‘verse?

Wynn, Artwork by Seth Witfoth