Tagged: Homebrew

Cosmic Crit’s ‘Create A Commercial Challenge’

It’s that time again, time for another First Friday Fan Challenge! On the first Friday of every month, we are asking you to help us build and shape our Starfinder world. Last month, we asked you to help us make some NPCs to fill in our world, and we got dozens of amazing submissions. Thanks to everyone who submitted, and feel free to keep those...

003: Gobstopped

Following their defeat of the Level 21 Crew and the Downside Kings, our adventurers decide to pay a visit to Starfinder Society headquarters. But as they start to leave, they run into three unexpected obstacles, and our heroes are put to the “test.”

001: Space Hooligans

In our inaugural episode, we meet each of the playing characters as they cross paths in the seedy “HUD Bar” deep in Absalom Station in the Starfinder universe. Rami, Alyndra, ANDIS, Edrass, and Gnak each have their (relatively) innocuous reasons for entering the bar. But an encounter with a cadre of gang members adorned with a red fist symbol incites a brawl. Emerging bruised and beaten, our heroes barely get out alive. To make matters worse, Alyndra has a spooky experience … but what does it mean?!