A spy is among us! The Founding Five make a tough decision about what to do with the sneaky colonist. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, Kells has been gathering a following in preparation to overthrow them from their posts as leaders of the community.
The Founding Five fight a pack of Mole Beetles before investigating the sinkhole in town. Later, visitors from neighboring colonies Zennilia and Nightwood come asking for access to the Goldenblooms store. The Founding Five have to make a choice.
Visitors from neighboring colonies arrive, wanting to meet with the colony’s leaders. Some want help locating a missing person, and others want to make a deal to trade resources for artifacts found in our colony.
Still reeling from the surprise and exhaustion of fighting their fellow-colonist-turned-undead, Balco Unctar, the crew learns that a strange rock has been uncovered beneath the ground of the colony.
A terrifying joltvine emerges from the meteorite impact hole, and Praedir is standing RIGHT THERE! Later, Thali accompanies the crew to find furry creatures in the scrapyard.
Join Cosmic Crit as the crew unravels power shortages caused by an electrovore and explores an uncharted territory shaped by a meteor impact. Discover captivating history and hidden wonders in this thrilling podcast episode.
Do you know Diathas? Turns out our crew didn’t, but they got to know them pretty quickly. They seek out Veech-Veech in their home, who seems to be breeding the pests. Will the crew figure out where these explosive slugs came from? Will they rat out Veech-Veech or help them in their research? Find out, this week on Cosmic Crit!