S2 | 076: Cosmic Crit and the Order of the Phoenix’s Respite
The crewmates of the Phoenix’s Respite make their way to their rendez-vous with Cedona on the planet Nakondis.
The crewmates of the Phoenix’s Respite make their way to their rendez-vous with Cedona on the planet Nakondis.
The season 2 campaign begins in earnest! Meet each of our player characters and find out how they got tangled up in the looming adventure. We’re not on the Drift Rider anymore!
It’s time to introduce the new Cosmic Crit crew for Season 2’s campaign, Against the Aeon Throne!
Listen in as the cast of Cosmic Crit reflects on their experiences with the season 1 campaign, Dead Suns.
They’ve stopped the Corpse Fleet and destroyed the Stellar Degenerator. So what now? Find out what happens to Edrass, Alyndra, ANDIS-147, Rami, and Gnak following the events in the Dead Suns Adventure Path.
They may have conquered the Empire of Bones, but they’ve still got to get off the ship before it blows to smithereens! Will they escape in time?
We join our adventurers in the midst of an epic battle against Admiral Serovox aboard the Empire of Bones. Will they make it through alive?
The gang makes their way to the bridge of the Empire of Bones and face off against a few ..ahem.. worthy foes. We’re coming for you, Admiral!
After staking claim on precious artifacts they found aboard the Empire of Bones, our heroes continue their march to the bridge. But it seems the commanding officers are prepared for their arrival.
Confronted by a trio of ellicoth, our adventurers continue to fight their way through the Empire of Bones. Turns out, the Corpse Fleet keeps some frightening pets.