050: The Jangly Man’s Guide to the Galaxy
Having bested the Jangly Man (née Darius Gilcrest) in starship battle, our adventurers board his ship to face him head-on.
Having bested the Jangly Man (née Darius Gilcrest) in starship battle, our adventurers board his ship to face him head-on.
On their way to the planetoid, our adventurers are interrupted by one Darius Gilcrest (now The Jangly Man) and must defeat the Singularity in starship combat.
When we last saw our adventurers, they (and we) were waiting with bated breath to find out the fate of ANDIS-147 before setting off after the Cult of the Devourer.
We conclude our play-through of Skitter Shot, the Starfinder RPG scenario released for Free RPG Day 2018. Our little skitters found their beloved captain Knick-Knack, but they’ve got an evil AI to deal with!
We’re taking a break from our regularly scheduled programming for skittermander-y times with Skittershot, the Starfinder scenario released on Free RPG Day earlier this year. Join our crew of four adorable skittermanders as they embark on a quest to help everyone they meet.
You have 30,000 credits, a brand new armory, and the heroes need your help. Make a supply crate filled with goodies from the new Starfinder Armory book and submit it to us. The Cosmic Cache that gets picked as our grand prize winner will be dropped into the campaign for our players to use, and you will win your own loot from the Cosmic Crit or Paizo store.
ANDIS-147 is unconscious on the floor. But why? What will become of everyone’s favorite Android Mechanic?
Our adventurers finally come face to face with Huntmaster Xavra in the Temple Found. Things do not go quite according to plan…
Deep in the Temple Found, our adventurers continue their trek toward Huntmaster Xavra. But their way is blocked by alchemical remnants and Kish foes.
Our heroes begin their trek across Istamek to confront Huntmaster Zavra in the Temple Found. On the way, Alyndra takes a dip in the Dreaming Pool and experiences a vivid series of visions. Crit Bit: Dan Peck of Saving Throw Show’s ‘Deepwater Deep’ Starfinder series joins us.