Tagged: Starfinder

You Just Got Help'd

x07a: You Just Got Help’d

We’re taking a break from our regularly scheduled programming for skittermander-y times with Skittershot, the Starfinder scenario released on Free RPG Day earlier this year. Join our crew of four adorable skittermanders as they embark on a quest to help everyone they meet. 

Cosmic Crate Challenge

Cosmic Crate Supply Drop

You have 30,000 credits, a brand new armory, and the heroes need your help. Make a supply crate filled with goodies from the new Starfinder Armory book and submit it to us. The Cosmic Cache that gets picked as our grand prize winner will be dropped into the campaign for our players to use, and you will win your own loot from the Cosmic Crit or Paizo store.

Vallis In Wonderland

044: Vallis in Wonderland

Our heroes begin their trek across Istamek to confront Huntmaster Zavra in the Temple Found. On the way, Alyndra takes a dip in the Dreaming Pool and experiences a vivid series of visions. Crit Bit: Dan Peck of Saving Throw Show’s ‘Deepwater Deep’ Starfinder series joins us.